Dos and don’ts to make your LED TV last longer

LED TVs are a significant investment, and naturally, you’d want to ensure they last as long as possible. Here are some dos and don’ts to help prolong the lifespan of your LED TV:


  1. Do Adjust the Settings: High brightness and contrast levels can strain the TV’s components. Adjust these settings to a comfortable level to reduce strain.
  2. Do Provide Proper Ventilation: Ensure your TV has enough space around it for proper ventilation. Overheating can damage internal components.
  3. Do Clean Regularly: Dust can accumulate and cause overheating. Regularly clean your TV and its vents using a soft, dry cloth.
  4. Do Use a Surge Protector: Power surges can damage your TV. Use a surge protector to safeguard your TV.
  5. Do Handle with Care: Avoid touching the screen as pressure can damage the pixels.
  6. Do Get Professional Servicing: If you notice any issues, it’s best to have your TV serviced by a professional. Attempting to fix it yourself can cause more harm than good.


  1. Don’t Leave Static Images on the Screen: Burn-in occurs when static images are displayed for extended periods, causing them to “burn” into the screen. To prevent this, avoid pausing your screen for long periods and regularly change the channel or content.
  2. Don’t Block the Vents: Blocking the vents can cause the TV to overheat, leading to potential damage.
  3. Don’t Use Harsh Cleaning Products: Harsh chemicals can damage the screen. Always use a soft, dry cloth to clean your TV and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning.
  4. Don’t Ignore Signs of Trouble: If you notice any issues, such as a distorted picture or sound, get your TV checked out by a professional as soon as possible.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can help ensure that your LED TV serves you well for many years. Remember, every electronic device has a lifespan, but with proper care and maintenance, you can maximize it.



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