Category: Home & Living

  • Why an Air cooler might not be effective for you: Living in humid weather

    Why an Air cooler might not be effective for you: Living in humid weather

    Air coolers, also known as evaporative coolers, are a popular choice for cooling homes in hot, dry climates. They work by evaporating water into the air, which cools the surrounding environment. However, if you’re living in a humid climate, you might find that an air cooler is not as effective. Let’s explore why. Science behind…

  • How to Tell if you’re overwatering or underwatering your indoor plants

    How to Tell if you’re overwatering or underwatering your indoor plants

    Indoor plants bring a touch of nature to your home, but their maintenance can be tricky. One common challenge for plant owners is determining whether their plants are receiving too much or too little water. Here are some signs to watch for and tips on achieving the right balance. Signs of Overwatering Yellowing Leaves: Overwatered…

  • How to care for succulent plants: Dos and Don’ts

    How to care for succulent plants: Dos and Don’ts

    Succulents, known for their unique beauty and low-maintenance nature, have become increasingly popular. However, ensuring their health and longevity requires understanding their specific care needs. This article provides a detailed guide on the dos and don’ts of succulent care. The Do’s of Succulent care 1. Water sparingly Given their adaptation to arid climates, succulents store…

  • 6 Signs your LED TV is going Bad

    6 Signs your LED TV is going Bad

    LED TVs are a popular choice for home entertainment, but like all electronics, they can experience issues over time. Here are some common signs that your LED TV might be going bad: 1. Distorted Picture or Color One of the most obvious signs of a failing LED TV is distortion in the picture or colors.…

  • Dos and don’ts to make your LED TV last longer

    Dos and don’ts to make your LED TV last longer

    LED TVs are a significant investment, and naturally, you’d want to ensure they last as long as possible. Here are some dos and don’ts to help prolong the lifespan of your LED TV: Dos Don’ts By following these dos and don’ts, you can help ensure that your LED TV serves you well for many years.…

  • How does Air Conditioners produce water?

    How does Air Conditioners produce water?

    Air conditioners are a common sight in many homes and offices, providing a cool and comfortable living space, especially during hot and humid weather. But have you ever wondered why your air conditioner produces water? The Basics of Air Conditioning Air conditioners function by using a special liquid, known as refrigerant, that transforms into a…

  • What kind of pots are best for indoor plants?

    What kind of pots are best for indoor plants?

    Indoor plants add a touch of nature to your living space, purify the air, and can even boost your mood. However, the health and growth of your indoor plants largely depend on the type of pot you choose. This article will guide you through the best materials for indoor plant pots. Terracotta Pots Terracotta pots…

  • Top Load vs Front Load Washing machine: Which is better?

    Top Load vs Front Load Washing machine: Which is better?

    Choosing a washing machine is a big decision, and one of the key factors to consider is whether to go for a top-load or front-load model. Both have their pros and cons, so the best choice for you will depend on your needs, budget, and laundry habits. Front-load Clothes are loaded through a door on…

  • Can normal detergent be used in a washing machine?

    Can normal detergent be used in a washing machine?

    Washing machines, a staple in modern households, have transformed our laundry routine. Yet, the wide array of laundry detergents on the market often leaves users puzzled about the right type for their machine. A frequently asked question is: Can regular detergent be used in washing machines? Understanding Regular Detergent: Regular detergents, also known as laundry…