Category: Health & Fitness

  • Can sleeping with your Head facing North impact your health?

    Can sleeping with your Head facing North impact your health?

    Sleeping is one of the most important activities for our health and well-being. It affects our mood, energy, memory, concentration, and overall quality of life. Have you ever wondered about the orientation of your sleeping position and its potential effects on your health? One common belief that has circulated for years is the idea that…

  • Blue Light blocking glasses: Are they beneficial?

    Blue Light blocking glasses: Are they beneficial?

    In the digital age, we spend a significant amount of time in front of screens, be it computers, smartphones, or televisions. These screens emit a type of light known as blue light. While not all blue light is harmful, excessive exposure, especially at night, can disrupt our sleep cycle and cause digital eye strain. This…

  • Is it OK to wear running Shoes for fitness walking?

    Is it OK to wear running Shoes for fitness walking?

    Lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle, and get ready to hit the pavement! But wait…are your trusty running shoes the right call for your fitness walking journey? This age-old question deserves a closer look. Cushioning Comfort: Running shoes are built to absorb the pounding of footsteps, and that impact-fighting power translates well to…

  • How to get a good sleep? 6 Tips for Better Sleep

    How to get a good sleep? 6 Tips for Better Sleep

    Quality sleep is an essential aspect of our daily routine, playing a crucial role in rejuvenating the body and preparing for the upcoming day. To enhance your sleep experience, consider the following tips: Maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time every day, including weekends. This practice helps regulate your body’s internal clock, ultimately improving the…

  • Can you improve your IQ? Strategies for a sharper mind

    Can you improve your IQ? Strategies for a sharper mind

    While intelligence often gets pegged to a single number – your IQ – the reality is far more nuanced. While this score paints a broad picture of your cognitive abilities, it’s far from the whole story. So, can you actually improve your IQ? The answer isn’t quite yes or no, but rather a fascinating journey…

  • How to fall asleep early at night? 5 simple Tips

    How to fall asleep early at night? 5 simple Tips

    Struggling to fall asleep early? You’re not alone. An early bedtime can often seem elusive and challenging to achieve. But don’t worry, here are some simple strategies to help you conquer the night and enjoy a restful sleep. 1. Embrace the Darkness: Darkness is your sleep’s best friend. Consider investing in blackout curtains or an…

  • Do we really need 10,000 steps per day: Fact or Fiction?

    Do we really need 10,000 steps per day: Fact or Fiction?

    The number 10,000 has long been touted as the ideal daily step count, a fitness goal promoted by pedometers and fitness trackers. But is it truly the key to optimal health? Recent research suggests the answer might be more complex. Beyond the Numbers: The concept of 10,000 steps originated as a marketing strategy by a…

  • Are microfiber towels good for hair?

    Are microfiber towels good for hair?

    When it comes to hair care, the tools we use can make a significant difference in maintaining the health and appearance of our locks. One such tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the microfiber towel. But are microfiber towels really good for your hair? Understanding Microfiber Microfiber is a synthetic material made…

  • Choosing the safest water bottle material: The best option

    Choosing the safest water bottle material: The best option

    Hydration is key to good health, and the material of your water bottle can greatly affect the safety and quality of your drinking water. With a plethora of materials available in the market, it’s important to know which ones are safe and beneficial for your health. Let’s discover the world of water bottle materials and…