Category: Health & Fitness

  • How many hours we need to sleep? Decoding sleep

    How many hours we need to sleep? Decoding sleep

    Sleep is more than just a daily routine. It’s the rejuvenation our bodies crave and the refreshment our minds need. But the question remains: how much sleep do we actually need? Let’s unravel this mystery. Unpacking Sleep Requirements Sleep needs fluctuate throughout our lifetime. For instance, a newborn might need up to 17 hours of…

  • How social media is affecting our attention span?

    How social media is affecting our attention span?

    In the digital age, social media platforms have become a significant part of our daily lives. They provide a platform for communication, entertainment, and information. However, the constant stream of updates, notifications, and content can have a detrimental effect on our attention span. Here’s how: Instant Gratification Social media platforms are designed to provide instant…

  • Social media hijacks your focus: How to break scrolling, skimming, snoozing?

    Social media hijacks your focus: How to break scrolling, skimming, snoozing?

    It’s a familiar scene: you open an app to check on a friend, and two hours later, you’ve stumbled down a rabbit hole of cat videos, influencer feuds, and news alerts about a talking cactus. Sound relatable? In the age of constant notifications and endless feeds, our attention spans seem to be shrinking faster than…

  • How vitamin D is produced from sunlight?

    How vitamin D is produced from sunlight?

    Vitamin D, often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” plays a vital role in our health. It’s unique because it’s the only vitamin that can be synthesized by our body through exposure to sunlight. But how does this process work? Let’s explore. The Role of Sunlight The synthesis of Vitamin D is initiated when our…

  • When should I replace my sunglasses?

    When should I replace my sunglasses?

    Sunglasses are more than just a fashion accessory; they’re essential for protecting your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays and bright light. Sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays can help prevent many eye problems caused by UV rays. So not only its appearance is important but also its function. Over time, any product…

  • What is the difference between packaged drinking water and mineral water?

    What is the difference between packaged drinking water and mineral water?

    In the age of convenience, bottled water reigns supreme. But with so many options on the shelf, navigating the aisle can be confusing. Two common choices are packaged drinking water and mineral water, but are they the same? While terms “packaged drinking water” and “mineral water” are often used interchangeably, a closer look reveals distinct…