Category: Arts & Culture

  • The history and design of the plague Doctor costume

    The history and design of the plague Doctor costume

    The plague doctor costume, a symbol of a dark period in human history, is a fascinating study of how people tried to combat diseases they didn’t fully understand; the history and design of this unique attire. The Historical Context The plague doctor costume was Introduced during a plague outbreak in Paris by Charles de Lorme,…

  • Why do Olympians bite their medals?

    Why do Olympians bite their medals?

    It’s a scene as iconic as the victory lap: an Olympian, eyes shining, takes a playful bite out of their medal. But why this strange tradition? Turns out, the origins are a mix of history, superstition, and a dash of showbiz. Biting Gold: The Curious Case of Olympic Nibble The “bite test” dates back to…